Forts of Qatar!
A long time ago, the forts of Qatar provided a wealth of military security and support. There are still many of the old Qatar forts available for you to visit if you are taking a trip to this wonderful area. Here is a little bit of in-depth information on some of the forts and their history.
The Az Zubarah fort is an especially historical fort. You pay a 10 QR fee to the gatekeeper, who will allows you your admission. Originally built in 1938, this fort is built upon the ruins of a previous castle. Because it is right on the coast, it is the perfect place to establish a protective structure and it served its purpose well. Coast line forts are a perfect way to say who can come in and who can leave by boat, which is one of the main ways to gain access to Qatar. At the time of the forts most used days, the relationship between Qatar and Bahrain was under a severe strain because of material argument. The fort was decided to be built as a deciding factor in whether or not people gained access to the area.
The Coast Guard also took control of this fort as a post in the 1980’s. It has a primitive air conditioning structure that allows air to cool the fort without bringing in a great deal of additional sediment. Ascending ladders allowed for multi-tier fort features that allowed the inhabitants a much broader use of the fort.
Police also used the fort as a post, holding prisoners in the convenient top rooms of their towers. The Al Zubarah fort graces the cover of many postcards available in gift shops in Qatar. It is the most well known fort and the most properly preserved structural fort in the area.
The fort has been rebuilt in order to remain a standing and historical remembrance. If the fort hadn’t been restored, years of environmental wear would have reduced it to cobble and ruins. Lucky for us, people still value historic structures like the Az Zubarah fort. Wooden shutters are still used for visitors to allow air to circulate through the fort.
Visiting the fort is like walking backwards in time. It provides a little bit of revenue for those who watch over the fort, and really adds some historical significance for the visitors. Although some people like to leave their trash there, it is mostly well kept and undisturbed. You’ll never find the fort severely crowded or anybody praying graffiti.
In order to get to the fort, simply follow these directions. Leave Doha along the North Road. After the Al Khor turnoff, start looking for signs pointing to Al Zubara. You may need to do a U-Turn and head back a few meters in order to make the right turn. Then, you simply follow that road until you reach the fort. Have a great time visiting this well known structure of Qatar history! This is not all their is, see more Qatar Tourist Attractions.
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